Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Was I Really In Poland?

Okay so I'm back in Birmingham now but thought I'd continue the blog anyway for the time being, seeing as it's acting as a fantastic procrastination device.

After deciding sorting out my entire room was a valuable use of my time yesterday, I cracked on with some actual work today. First and foremost, I wanted to see if the numerous co-ordinates I had spent the last 9 weeks collecting actually amounted to anything. Unfortunately, this has meant me teaching myself how to use DIVA-GIS, a free online geographic mapping tool. I've realised I am incredibly lazy when attempting to read tutorials, choosing to simply scan for key words as opposed to reading the whole thing. This meant I got nothing done for a good hour, and my first attempt ended up with all my co-ordinates appearing at various places around mainland Europe. Thankfully, I was being a moron, and had in fact mixed up my longitudes and latitudes. Half an hour of cutting and pasting later...the maps still don't look right. This could mean one of two things. Firstly, my co-ordinates are all off, and I've just needlessly subjected myself to 9 weeks in a damp caravan, or the more hopeful second option, the software I'm using is a bit crap because it's free. So tomorrow I'll begrudgingly pay the train fare and head into uni to use the posh mapping software.

I'm also applying for jobs at the minute, which I hate doing. I'm only looking for money currently and not a career job, just whilst I finish the course. I'm so lazy when it comes to this though, and most applications end up with me cutting and pasting my somewhat lacklustre CV onto various forms in the hope that the sheer quantity of jobs I apply for means one of them has to give me a go. We'll see...

Now playing: Cymbals Eat Guitars – Like Blood Does
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. Ha! We are similar in two ways:

    I also hate reading instructions. Heather and I fell out when we last put the tent up because she wanted to lay everything out and read the instructions but, as I'd had a few glasses of champagne by that point, wanted it erected and done with.

    Secondly I also hate CVs and job applications because you are expected to be boastful whereas I prefer to be modest except for comic effect. I had a job interview once where I was asked to describe myself in three word. I said, "Really nice guy" and immediately regretted it. I still cringe and sink my teeth into my fist whenever I think about it.
