Wednesday 3 March 2010

Boston Tea Party

Just to clarify, I'm not technically giving up tea for the week, but rather caffeine. Thus I am allowing myself to sample some of the alternative teas out there, provided they are caffeine free. So yesterday I tucked into Rooibos tea, which admittedly I only bought because the packaging was excellent. It's pretty disgusting, it promises all the sweet tastes and smells of "ordinary" tea, but in fact packs a floral punch. This is a lie actually, as it packs no punch whatsoever, being caffeine free and all. In all fairness it tastes okay, there's just no sudden alertness once the last drop is hungrily slurped from the bottom of the mug. But for a week I suppose it will do as an alternative. Worryingly I still have a slight headache, but I'm thinking now this is more to do with the plethora of colds that seem to pass my way these days as opposed to caffeine withdrawal. Right, back to my water...

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