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4-1, It's Lucky I Don't Really Care
I awoke this morning to the sound of someone messing around with my water supply. I assumed it was Ray, my supervisor here, so got up so as not to appear lazy. When I opened the door though, he was nowhere to be seen. This either means cabin fever's setting in or some passer by was curious as to why someone would live in such a fly infested caravan.
Today was seconds away from being a write off; I woke up feeling awful and didn't know whether it was just hayfever or the onset of a cold. Thankfully I took a tablet, manned up, and headed to my favourite walking destination, Mullion. I decided I'd do work today though as I'm going to be taking next Friday and Monday off for a long weekend in Falmouth with Sam, and didn't want to be referred to as "that work-shy gypsy". In fairness they're all so laid back here they probably won't even notice I'm gone, but I am a pretty paranoid individual (see paragraph one). I got some good field work done, but won't bore you with too many of the details. Instead, here's some pictures.
These are horses. Yep, that degree money wasn't wasted mum and dad. I took this though because the brown horse (can I call him that?) is actually blindfolded. I searched for a while but couldn't find any eye holes, so I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light (no pun intended) on why this would be of any benefit to anyone?
Below is a Sea Carrot, one of the species I'm surveying, and for some reason have become mildly obsessed with:
And here are my current neighbours, who I am trying to teach musical culture to. In fact I must get a recording of them one day to put on here because they all sound like someone doing a bad impression of a sheep, as opposed to an actual sheep. Don't tell them that though...
And last but not least, the leak came back today, but not in such a severe manner, so here's the piping I had to tighten up yet again whilst risking my life bent over an electrical device:
Over and out.
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