I had my first unexpected visitors the other night in the form of the local youth. They were after firewood from the enormous pile of wood that resides behind my caravan. I flat out refused, and realised afterwards this was possibly a bad idea as I have no lock on the caravan. They've not returned though and I have gained the occassional nickname of Nightwatchman amongst the staff, much to my delight. I think it also highlighted the fact that it's not the safest situation they've put me in here, although in fairness Cornwall has the lowest crime rate in Britain (I think), but on exiting the building yesterday Ray shouted "be safe!", which was followed by several cries of "yes, be safe!". No offers of a house yet though.
Today I've been out and about on the east side of the Lizard peninsula, and managed to bag a lift there and back which is always a bonus. Below is the Devil's Frying Pan, which I looked out over whilst stuffing my face with sandwiches. The place names around here do make me laugh, they're trying so hard to be cool and different, but often are not successful. Impressive though.
Whilst wandering today I decided to just listen to bands beginning with "M", after being heavily influenced by Sam's word association game in iTunes, although I won't steal her thunder and describe that here! This made me want to listen to all of the albums on my iPod and attempt to rate them all. However, the first band on my iPod is A. I put their album on, enjoyed "Foghorn", and then realised how awful they were, and realised there was no way I could sit through two full length albums by them and so gave up almost instantly. My brother warned me this would happen but I thought I was made of stronger stuff than that. It did prompt me to listen to ABC though, and that was bloody great!
I'll leave you with a picture of Foxglove, a flower I'm quite obsessed with photographing, and in fact it still makes me laugh when I think about foxes actually using the flowers as gloves. Simple things.
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