Another long day today. Not to be a curmudgeoning old man or anything, but despite the spectacular scenery...
I had done everything I could by 3:30pm today, and rang my lift to see how they were getting on. They informed me that they'd be a good hour yet, and as I'm not the best at just hanging around, I decided I'd attempt the 5 mile journey back on foot. It was actually very enjoyable (and I never turn down an excuse to try and build up my chicken legs), although when I was about a mile away one of the staff drove passed and offered me a lift, and it would have been rude to refuse. I was making good time though, I'd only been walking for an hour. There are no pavements on the roads here though so the walk did have its hairy moments, mostly involving stubborn lorry drivers. It did give me a chance to get reacquainted with Why?, specifically their album Elephant Eyelash, which is fast becoming my favourite release of theirs. If you've never heard them you're really missing out.
There were loads of artists out today which was nice to see:
I better get back to the books, I'm a day behind on writing up my field work, but it's taking me hours. I'm desperate to get it all out of the way by the weekend though for a well earned few days off in Falmouth, happy days!
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