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One Half of a Whole
I had my first hot shower in over a week last night, and boy was it good. Rather kindly, Claire, one of the staff here, invited me over to her and her partner's gaff for a hot shower, a home cooked meal and a proper bed. It was a more than generous offer I couldn't refuse and it was probably the best shower of my life. The only one that has possibly topped it was the one after climbing Scarfell Pike a couple of years ago. Now that was a well earned shower. Anyway, I had a shower, she cooked us up some wholesome grub and then we went to the pub for a few jars. It was great to actually be interacting with people of an evening, and certainly beat drinking alone. Both her and her boyfriend, Ben, are very laid back and easy to chat to so it was a great evening all in all, and hopefully will become a bit of a regular fixture. I got to see my first World Cup game as well, Brazil vs. North Korea, which was quite an interesting match. North Koreans are unable to leave their country due to the regime operating there (not sure how the team swung it), so apparently all of their supporters were hired actors, madness!
Erstwhile, I've been out in the field all week which has been a treat as the weather here is unbelievable. It's so hot and I'm scanning the coastline all day so I really have nothing to complain about. I think the stink has started to set in though, as when my lift arrived this morning the first thing she said was "you smell clean!" with an air of surprise. Oh dear, I must be used to my own stench.
I have only just worked out how to focus my camera for close ups after a mere six years, so here's a few snaps utilising this function.
First off we have this chap:
And in case anyone's interested, this is one of the species I'm looking for; wild chives:
And another one, sea beet:
And just for Sam, a dwarf ox-eye daisy:
All this blogging is preventing me from working so I best hit the books.
Tata for now.
wow think of the daisy chain you could make ... (not implying that you personally like to spend your time picking flowers of course, why we all know that isn't true!)x