Don't panic readers, I'm still alive, I've just been home for the last few days. I was back in Birmingham to do a presentation based on my work down here in front of the other students, my supervisor and an outside examiner. I was impressed with everyone's work, I think we'd all done it a bit last minute but to be honest I think the talks were all the better for it. Personally, I find a lack of structure to a talk actually makes it better and sound more confident. If you script what you are going to say you end up panicking about forgetting what to say next and stumbling over your words. Of course a well made PowerPoint presentation helps, which I didn't have particularly, but it seemed to be enough to get the point across so I was happy with that, and everyone got positive feedback.
It was great being back I have to admit, the sun was shining and I got to see a lot of my favourite people and have a hot shower every day, what a luxury! We seeded the rest of the garden so when I return next there may be a complete lawn inviting me to relax upon it. In other news, I took my broken iPod into the Apple store where I was told it was beyond affordable repair, but unperturbed I smacked it against the wall a lot (mimicking a "tip" from one of the staff) and it worked! It keeps randomly stopping but for some reason it can play my numerous Gervais shows without interruption so that kept me entertained on the train journey today. I got back at about 6:00pm (my lift had turned his phone off during the football, extending the journey slightly), and now I'm at a bit of a loose end, but I'm sure I can try and locate some drips to keep me occupied.
It's very quiet here...
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